He got Married. I Stayed Single.
I believe everyone has that someone who they refer to as The One Who Got Away (TOWGA). TOWGA is that person you broke up with and had the...
Saying Goodbye to a 12 year stint
After 12 years of being in the Call center industry, I've decided to bid goodbye, at least for now, to the BPO world.
An Open letter to my 5 year old
Ethan, you'd be turning five tomorrow. Saw this picture of us a few years ago, you don't even appreciate cakes then or know how to e
Should you have kids?
Being in a relationship takes a lot of time, patience, proper up bringing, similar cultures to work. Taking care of babies, should be easy.
Dad, I love you
This is not our picture. I don't have any picture of us together except probably when I was still a wee baby. My dad died when I was...